18-Yr-Old ‘Blind’ Dachshund Was Dumped At Shelter, Clings To First Person Who Showed Her Love
Muneca, an 18-year-old blind Dachshund, was dumped at an animal shelter, leaving her alone and terrified. At this time, she …
Muneca, an 18-year-old blind Dachshund, was dumped at an animal shelter, leaving her alone and terrified. At this time, she …
Dog Banner definitely has a really big heart. In addition to often caring for her owner Whitney Braley, who has disability i…
It’s a bad idea to make people choose between you and their beloved canine companions. Is it really so surprising when peopl…
The sight of an animal suffering is one of the most awful sights that we have ever seen. When we hear stories about animals …
For the holidays it is customary to receive and give a gift to someone, but the best gift one can receive is good company. C…
When Belle’s rescuers found her, she looked like she had a severe and debilitating skin disease. But they quickly realized t…
Dharma was plant from the roadside by the kind man. it really did not look like he was injured but he was screaming pain. It…
Dogs are beautiful and lovable animals. They have become a core part of many households and lives around the world. Even if …
Pet Aid Unlimited rescuers arrived on scene to help a tiny puppy lying on the ground who could not relocate her head. Her ne…
A woman from Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, experienced a very special reunion with her long-lost best friend. Her heart was hurt…
This is the heartwarming moment, a vet takes his time to comfort a crying puppy, moments after undergoing surgery. The sweet…
Staying up all night may not be a deal when you’re young, but most people are done pulling all-nighters by the time they tur…
It’s truly amazing what love, care, and good food can do to transform a living creature. One day as Rico Soegiarto was walki…
In early July, Nick Elliot became a father for the first-time. A few days after baby Macie, along with her mother Hayley, wa…
To say that the life of stray animals is tough is an understatement. Being constantly on the search for food and shelter is …
The life of a Shiba Inu puppy, named Taka, almost ended in a fire. Last week, the eight-year-old dog was staying inside the …
Look пo fυrther thaп a traveliпg pride of lioпs. That crew is oпe yoυ …
This poor dog family was discovered by a kind person at a garbage dump. …
Poor stray dog full of fluid received trearment can’t wait to see her recovery. …