Meеt Kаnga – The Kittу With Bеnt Frоnt Lеgs Whо Hoрs Likе a Kangаroo!
We’ve seen kittens with various disabilities, and although it’s sad, they never let their problem get in the way of their li…
We’ve seen kittens with various disabilities, and although it’s sad, they never let their problem get in the way of their li…
What seemed just like any ordinary father and son’s camping trip took a cute turn when a stray cat came to their camp. The g…
Mr.Purple Paws was lucky enough to make a narrow escape from a tragic fate in Naples, Florida earlier in May. The sweet kitt…
When good Samaritan saw a tiny, sick kitten struggling in the middle of the road, he scooped him up and immediately took him…
“When Boo is in the mood for a massage, you better not stop massaging unless you want to get yelled at. In this Sunday Short…
Internet, meet Frank the cat. This cute cat has always hated toys. It’s been like that his whole life, but that changed when…
Cats ask for food and treats in many ways. Some are cute, others less so. Some, however, are not afraid to literally beg for…
Mindy Brocato from the Anne Arundel animal shelter recently rescued a cat called Toodles from a vicious dog attack. Toodles …
New York and the surrounding area is often hit with extreme weather conditions and the temperature can quickly drop below fr…
The Internet has shown that cats are an endless resource for joy and amusement. Right now, Google can get more than 3.72 bil…
A stray kitten showed up every time a man came to a coffee shop. One day, she insisted on going home with him. Basil Akwan u…
Introducing Smurf, it is hard to understand why someone would do this to him but he had been dyed purple, had over twenty bi…
A woman came to the shelter and found a cat with the perfectly asymmetric face looking at her. She just knew! Lauren Thomson…
Sometimes what people do to some helpless animals is just beyond imagination, their cruelty is simply unbelievable. But than…
Animals that have lived on the street have gone through things that are hard to imagine. Abuse, extreme violence, hunger and…
“Never forget what you are,” Tyrion Lannister said. “The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be…
This year’s competition culminated in Mr. Happy Face, a 17-year-old rescued dog, being named …
This golden retriever is a special dog that has a man, eight birds and …
A sweet dog, later named Bella, spent her life in a city shelter, writes …