October 26, 2023
Home Cats (page 8)


Meеt The Eуeless Wоnder, Gumbо

Gumbo is an absolute treasure. He is an amazing boy who time and time again demonstrates that cat have ADAPTABILITY not DISABILITIES. Gumbo won me over when I visited the cat rescue. Out of 226 cats, he stole my heart. Granted, I came home with a different cat at first because I needed one that I knew could do pet …

Womаn Wаnted To Get A Cat And Feеd It Vеgan Drу Foоd, Roоmmate Pаsses That On To The Shеlter Wоrker And Theу Deсline Her Apрlication

It’s a well-known fact that having a pet makes your life significantly better. Of course, it’s a huge responsibility, and one should always plan ahead and be absolutely sure that they’ll be able to give the animal the life they deserve. It’s like taking care of a child, where your full attention isn’t concentrated on yourself anymore, and you’re now …

Gingеr Kittеn Gаined a Seсond Chаnce at Lifе

This ginger baby was rescue recently by Rafael Cobos’s neighbor at a farm. She was one of the feral kittens that survived in her litter. “Our next door neighbour found her hiding, soaking wet from the rain and suffering mild hypothermia,” said Rafael. “I dried her as much as I could and placed her under a table lamp to warm …

Lоst Kittеn Gеts A Nеw Poliсe Sergeаnt Dаd For Fаther’s Daу

A Lakeland, Florida police sergeant added a furry new member to his family just in time for Father’s Day. The fluffy gray kitten was discovered huddled at the base of a lamppost Saturday evening by Officer Cardin of the Lakeland Police Department. Cardin scooped up the little lost soul and brought her back to the station. He made her a …

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