Home Cats Thеse Cаts Knоw Hоw To Do Thе “Humаn” Тhing Bеtter Thаn Yоu, And It’s Awеsome!

Thеse Cаts Knоw Hоw To Do Thе “Humаn” Тhing Bеtter Thаn Yоu, And It’s Awеsome!

You may think your cat his lazy, always napping, always lounging, not noticing anything around them. But, really they are paying attention to every single thing going on around them. They are observing all the details that go into that human world around them. And, you know what? They can do exactly what you do…some, even better than you can! These cats have totally mastered the art of being human.

Cats were adorable and cuddly WAY before babies ever were …

…and they’ve always looked cuter in baby contraptions, too.

While human babies were throwing their food around, cats could already eat with silverware …

… and graduated to their “big kid beds” way before the human babies ever did.

They learned how to read first too. They just don’t like to brag about it, like SOME people they know.

Cats were loud and angst-ridden way before the human teenagers claimed to have started that trend.

And you know how you still can’t grow a mustache/beard/any kind of facial hair very well? Well …

Cats have been getting kisses from other humans long before you were brave enough to ask.

They can rock a tie AND have it magically match their eyes – can you do that?

And of course, as much as humans love to call themselves couch potatoes …

It’s pretty clear now, cats are geniuses! Share with friends!

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