Home Animals A Duсk Nаmed Harrу and Нis Brоod of Kittеns!

A Duсk Nаmed Harrу and Нis Brоod of Kittеns!

This has to be one of the most heart warming videos I have ever seen.

The people that run Lucky Duck Rescue came across five kittens all alone, they had obviously been abandoned. They weren’t sure what to do with them but were anxious to keep them warm, so they put them in the dog bed that belonged to Harry, one of the resident ducks.

But what Harry did next was something completely unexpected to everyone,  he took these tiny newborn babies under his wing and nurtured them as if they were his own children.

It seems animals are teaching us lessons all the time. They learn quickly how to interact with different species with love. Meanwhile, humans still keep on living in the illusion that only humans are important.

It is so sweet and shows us that it doesn’t matter what species you are, it’s love that makes a family.

Watch the video:

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