Home Cats Girl Writеs A 6-Pаge Reрort To Cоnvince Pаrents Of Gеtting Нer A Cаt

Girl Writеs A 6-Pаge Reрort To Cоnvince Pаrents Of Gеtting Нer A Cаt

The reasons to adopt a cat are endless. But, 11 year old Romesa from San Antonio, Texas decided to list each and every reason in a six page research report. She prepared it for parents, to convince them to get her a cat. Romesa’s older sister, Rimsha tweeted about the project on June 20, and the viral journey began….

People are loving the effort she put into her goal of having a cat. They can’t get enough of it.

The report features a photo of a fluffy white kitten on the cover, with a title that reads, “Why I Would Love A Cat, Benefits Of Cats, And Fixing Problems.” According to her sister, it took Romesa one hour to gather thoughts, research her points, and type it all up. It even included a “sources cited” page!

Her starting point, is listing the reasons why her parents should help her fill the cat-shaped hole in her heart:

  • Cats are adorable
  • They can cheer you up when you are sad
  • They can become your best friend
  • Having a cat makes you feel less lonely

She even bluntly stated, that a cat would “help me get off my electronics, because I would have a cute friend to play with.”

She then continued on with the scientific facts supporting her request:

“CATS SAVE LIVES,” she exclaims in all caps. “People are 40% less likely to die from a heart attack if they own a cat.”

“THEY HELP OUR MOOD AND STRESS. 15 to 30 minutes of quality time with cats can reduce anger, stress and anxiety.”

“Prophet Muhammed always fed cats and helped them out, because he knew they were kind and clean animals.”

She then threw some religious information:

“Prophet Muhammed always fed cats and helped them out, because he knew they were kind and clean animals.”

She closes her report with a persuasive argument:

“So many cats die every day because they are homeless, abused or neglected by their owners. I recommend we get a cat from a rescue shelter so we can save a life,” she writes. “Dad, mom, we need to help cats. They need us. And I need a cat. It would change my life forever.”

She concludes her report by thanking her parents and signs it, “Your Dear Old Lovely Daughter, Romesa.”

With a report like this, why wouldn’t her parents get her a cat?! They should get her two cats! Share with friends!

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