Cats are notorious for weird behaviors. Like, squeezing themselves into the weirdest places, sleeping in trees, having mysterious cat logic, and using it to their advantage. But they’re our hands-down favorite furballs on this planet, and that inherent quirkiness is what makes them even more lovable.
And this time, we’re taking a look into yet another feline superpower that keeps bamboozling their owners and it’s the way cats blend into their surroundings. My guess would be they put on The Cloak Of Invisibility (Harry Potter fans would probably agree it’s a safe bet!) and go about their day, or… well, I am out of theories.
Thanks to a Twitter page with an all-telling title “There is no cat in this image,” we have a lot of cases captured on camera to study this phenomenon. The page’s 409.6K followers are already busy playing Where’s Waldo: impawsible edition, so let’s join them by scrolling through this enigmatic collection of images below.