Home Cats The Seсret’s Out, Whаt Cаt’s Arе Dоing Whеn Yоu’re Nоt Нome

The Seсret’s Out, Whаt Cаt’s Arе Dоing Whеn Yоu’re Nоt Нome

Have you ever wondered what your cats do when you’re not home? Do they just lay there, like you do when you are home? Or do they turn into a completely different cat from the one you know? Well, one thing is for sure…they live freely without boundaries or rules. The rules for sure go out the door, as soon as you do…

First of all, they celebrate their freedom …

Then they start to get worried that you’re never coming back.

Where ARE you?????

They’ll want to know as soon as you get home, so they’ll turn on a light for you …

…open the blinds …

Then it’s time for chores! There’s lots of work to do! The den needs to be redecorated …

…and the bedrooms …

…and, yes, the bathrooms.

There is A LOT of work to be done on the bathrooms.

They will need to work together to get the bathrooms finished in time.

And maybe a “nap.”

Take out the trash!

And pack their bags. Because there is a small chance that they might be in trouble when you get home.

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