Home Cats Resсuers Fоund “Crazу Eуes Olivе” Malnоurished And Cоvered In Trеe Saр Вut Nоw Shе Hаs A Lоving Hоme And Enjoуs Lifе

Resсuers Fоund “Crazу Eуes Olivе” Malnоurished And Cоvered In Trеe Saр Вut Nоw Shе Hаs A Lоving Hоme And Enjoуs Lifе

“Never forget what you are,” Tyrion Lannister said. “The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.” Few live by these words as much as Crazy Eyes Olive—the crossed eye tabby has her condition in her name!

Eye movement is controlled by small muscles that allow side to side and up and down motion. If one of these muscles is stretched out or too strong, or if the nerves that control the muscles are damaged, the eyes do not properly align with each other when looking at an object. This is called strabismus.

However, despite her unique looks, Crazy Eyes Olive has learned to live with her condition and she sees the world just fine.

#1 When You See People Not Social Distancing

Prior to meeting her, Olive’s current owner, Michelle, had been looking to adopt a cat and her friend got her in touch with Almost Home Animal Rescue on Long Island. “They had been out in the community performing some of their services when they spotted Olive in the street, malnourished and covered in tree sap,” Michelle told Bored Panda. “Once they were able to catch her, one of their volunteers, Barbara, took Olive to her home to foster her and nurse her back to health. I went to visit her and immediately knew I wanted her. I visited her multiple times a week until she was healthy enough to come home with me. I am so grateful for Barbara and Almost Home, they saved her life!”

Olive is a bit more subdued than a typical cat. Michelle said she is very shy but once you get to know the tabby and she opens up to you, she is an absolute sweetheart. “She loves to burrow in blankets for long naps and her favorite toy is a black twist tie.”

#2 Do You Have Any Idea How Hard It Is To Focus With This Little Fuzz Nugget Sitting Across From Me?!

Because Olive was found and rescued from the street, nobody is certain if she was born with strabismus or if she developed it somehow at a young age. However, because she had the condition from a young age, Michelle is very happy to see that Olive has adapted to it with no problem. “She can play and run around just as a normal cat would, even though she looks a little different!”

“Olive does have some neurological problems, unfortunately. She sometimes has seizure-like episodes, but thanks to CBD and some other medications, we have been able to manage it over the course of her life. It isn’t always easy, but she is a very tough girl,” Michelle said.

#3 Losing An Hour = Losing All Patience To Deal With People

The woman thought it’s important to highlight how many pets, disabled or not, are in need of good, loving homes. “Adoption is a wonderful thing as well as supporting shelters like Almost Home that dedicate their lives to supporting animals in need. Also, just because Olive and other animals are ‘disabled’ doesn’t mean they deserve any less love,” she said.

The Internet definitely agrees—Olive has 160,000 Instagram followers who constantly shower her with attention and praise in the comments. “I think the best part of her community on Instagram is how many people have come to love her despite her disability. She really is just like every other cat. And there are so many other animals like her whose lives can be changed by finding the right family. So, support your local shelters and adopt don’t shop!” Michelle added.

#4 Isolation Log Day 18: Bored In The House And I’m In The House Bored

#5 Met This Little Meow 4 Years Ago Today


#7 There Was Plastic On The Floor, So By Law I Had To Squish My Peets Into It

#8 Rolling Out Of Bed 15 Pounds Heavier For Work This Week

#9 This Is Olive’s Impression Of An Owl

#10 Trying To Enjoy The Warm Weather In Late October With The Crushing Anxiety Of Knowing It’s Due To Global Warming

#11 My Little Ray Of Sunshine

#12 Trying To Figure Out Why The Hooman Is Home Today

#13 Them: Your Crush Is Coming, Act Natural! me:

#14 When You Want A Meeting To End And Someone Keeps Asking Questions

#15 The Face Of Someone Who Woke Up Thinking It Was Thursday

#16 Realizing All My Office Plants Are Definitely Dead

#17 Feeling Personally Attack By Our Weekly Screen Time Report

#18 Watch Me, Not The TV!

#19 When Your Sneeze Won’t Come Out

#20 When Someone Says They Don’t Like Game Of Thrones

#21 Mentally Prepping For The 4th Festivities


#23 I Spy Three Peets!

#24 Monday? Again?

#25 That Judgmental Look You Get When You Break Your Resolution On Day 2

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