Home Animals Grаndma Тhinks a Cаt is a Straу, but Hеr Grandsоn Leаrn The Тruth

Grаndma Тhinks a Cаt is a Straу, but Hеr Grandsоn Leаrn The Тruth

A grandma from Kansas lives in a big house with a porch, and every evening, she sits outside and feeds stray cats. Eric Hertlein’s grandma is a huge cat lover, and she regularly feeds cats on her enclosed porch. She even has beds for them to spend the cold nights safe from the weather.

Whenever Eric went to visit her, there were some cats on the porch. The last time he went, however, he spotted a cat that didn’t look like a stray. The kitten looked weird and after taking a closer look, Eric realized that it was an opossum!

His grandma didn’t know that and she continued feeding the ‘possum every day. She even named him Tete – it was one of her favorite ‘strays’. Eric was shocked about it, but she shrugged it off, saying that he hasn’t bothered her or the other cats yet.

Even after learning the truth, she continued feeding Tete. She considers him a part of the stray squad and welcomes him to sleep on the enclosed porch whenever he feels like it.

Eric’s grandma is a wonderful woman who loves animals, and we hope that others follow her example.

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