Home Dogs Dog abandoned by her family spends the day with firefighters!

Dog abandoned by her family spends the day with firefighters!

Glad this one has a great home now!

How can people walk aw.ay and leave their dogs behind?
I’m so happy this precious dog is safe and now with the fir.efighters having a great life you totally deserve it sweet baby so do all dogs

Relieved to know she is now safe, cared for and loved…!

Ashley’s previous owners virtually ever fed her, seldom took her outdoors, and eventually a.ban.do.ned her.
The dog 1-year-old was rescued by Erica Mahnken, creator of No More Pain Rescue, and her boyfriend Michael Favor.

We received a call from someone reporting that a couple was residing in an a.ban.doned house. The pair presumably departed when a snowfall came. Ashley was [em.ac.iated and fr.ail]. Her ribs were all you could see since she was so th.in. She was also 25 pounds underweight. Ashley also had cig.arette [bu.rns] on the top of her head, which they observed.

Because No More Pain Rescue does not have a physical shelter, Mahnken and Favor had to find Ashley a foster home right away. They knew there used to be a dog at the Fort Pitt station because they had pals in the “New York City Fi.re Department (FDNY)”. As a result, Mahnken and Favor requested the fir.emen to keep Ashley until they could find her a suitable home.

Mahnken share: Her tail was wagging as soon as she stepped into the fir.ehouse, and she was kissing and welcoming everyone. She was overjoyed. You wouldn’t anticipate it coming from her background.

After, the fir.efig.hting team contacted Mahnken a few days later, requesting that Ashley be kept.
They said: We’re going to adopt her. We are really enamored with her. She feels at ease here.

Ashley now lives at the fir.ehouse full-time. She’s always on the go — she goes on shorter runs with them, she rides in the fi.re truck with them. They take her for a stroll approximately 30 times a day. They take her up on the roof to play with her. And she’s living the high life over there.

SO happy for Ashley! What a perfect fit for her! She will get all the love she deserves.

She must feel that she is safe there.

Thank you for rescuing Ashley and getting her the help she needed. And thank you to the fi.re department for adopting her and giving her her FUREVER HOME!

Amazing people giving Ashley the love and care she deserves, to help her overcome her rough beginning. To the rescuers and adoptive family, you are all heroes.

Maybe it didn’t have a good family life before this! We’re glad the fir.efighters took her in and she can have a happy life from now on!

God bless all

H/t: The dodo

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