Home Dogs A rescue dog drags her blanket outside to share with a freezing stray puppy

A rescue dog drags her blanket outside to share with a freezing stray puppy

Dogs are the true testament to unconditional love.

Teachings and blessings of unconditional love. Animals are so much better than people!

Lana had a very though life as she and her siblings used to live on the streets, before they were all rescued. Lana got adopted by a young couple that offered her all the love and comfort she never had.

Since Lana met Suelen Schaumloeffel and her husband, it was love at first sight and the rescue pup knew their adoptive parents would offer her nothing but love.

One cold morning, when Suelen’s husband was heading to work, he just could not believed his eyes the sight he witnessed. When he stepped outside their home, he realized Lana dragged her blanket outside to share it with a cold hom.eless do.ggie.

And Humans need to be as kind as dogs are!!

Lana’s heartwarming gesture put both her parents into tears. How beautiful what she did for her friend.
Suelen and her husband even tried to approach the freezing puppy to see, but the po.or thing got [sc.a.red] and run aw.ay. They hope, he would return to help him out, just like their beloved Lana did.

Animals have feelings and so much love to give.

Hope someone rescues them both and hopefully they can stay and live together !!!!
… dog needs a warm loving home.

God watch over them and find them a warm loving home…!!!

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