Home Dogs Pit bull rescue dog assisted in the rescue of his own family until the police arrived

Pit bull rescue dog assisted in the rescue of his own family until the police arrived

Spuds helped rescue his own family when someone uninvited came knocking.

Pit bulls are wonderful family dogs and protectors of the people they love. Treat them with kindness, they are so loyal.
That’s a good boy Spuds…! Hope you get a huge steak and a pup cup!

Spuds, a nine-year-old pit bull, lives with his family in Altoona, Pa. Altoona is about two hours from Williamsport, Pa.
The rescue dog helped rescue his own family March 24, when someone uninvited came knocking.
That was when an [all.eged in.truder] came through the front door. Police later identified him as 53-year-old Robert Burke Jr.

Rucker said: He wasn’t going to just walk in my house uninvited. I don’t know you like that buddy. Spuds didn’t like it either.
Rucker said Spuds joined his family in restraining Burke. Spuds helped contain the burglar for 20 minutes until police arrived.

Spuds has formed a bond with the community and even the local garbagemen, …
Spuds has turned from man’s best friend to man’s best protector.
Burke was [arr.aig.ned] at Blair County Pr.ison on [ch.arges of bu.rg.lary], …

Hero Spuds! Wow it took 20 mins for police to arrive? Spuds deserves a extra special treat for knowing he did an amazing job!

Spuds! You are one excellent watch guard dog! It’s about time we see any goodness in pit bulls. One smart dog.

Glad to see the breed getting some positive coverage for once. Dogs are amazing, some humans are NOT.

Thank you for showing a true pitty and what they can do when loved the right way!
He’s very smart and protective of his family!

You can take a look at the whole story in the video below:

H/t: fox17

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