Home Dogs The woman comes across an injured 55-pound dog on a mountain and lifts him onto her shoulders!

The woman comes across an injured 55-pound dog on a mountain and lifts him onto her shoulders!

How do you give your pet away?

She performed an incredible act of heroism by carrying a severely in.ju.red dog weighing 55 pounds down a mountain to reunite him with his family.
The dog needs love from her family to heal but I know the new owner will take good care of him.

Tia Vargas, a single mother, and her 76-year-old father were hiking back when they came across the se.rio.usly in.ju.red dog, whose owners were nowhere in sight.

When Tia first saw Boomer, the dog, she remembered you could tell he was very deh.ydra.ted. On his belly and on his head, he had cu.ts and sc.ratc.hes. He was in ba.d shape, so she made the incredible decision to carry the 55-pound dog to safety.

The 6-mile journey back to ground level was tough for Tia: We had to hike through the snow, we even lost the trail at one point. It was one of the hardest things I’ve done in my life, She recalls praying for assistance at one point, and she also felt a ‘divine intervention’ that made the dog’s weight feel lighter.

A joke from her father and a lot of God’s help gave her the strength to get Boomer to the bottom of the mountain.

Boomer had va.nis.hed the day before, he had fal.len through a 100-foot snow crevice and rolled about 200 feet overnight. His family spent a lo.ng time looking for him and put up a sign begging hikers to call them if they see the dog.

They were so moved and grateful to Tia that they gave her and her family the dog. Boomer is already much better, even though the fact that he still requires surgery to fuse some of his bones together.

Boomer was now Tia’s dog, and it was a miracle that Tia was there when Boomer needed her the most.
He’s still alive today because of her enormous act of kindness.

Thank you so much for rescuing this dog your a lovely amazing lady!

So glad that he is with someone who loves him.

What a strong and awesome lady she could not leave him alone there thank God for her!
Wonderful feat for sure, but have to think its strange the owner’s gave him up. Grateful he has a loving home.

God bless them both.

H/t: Kingdoms.TV

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