Home Dogs Stray dogs found protecting blind elderly woman who had fallen in the mud

Stray dogs found protecting blind elderly woman who had fallen in the mud

Dogs are just the most loyal companions, but they are also very protective. These gentle creatures are always willing to help and comfort those in desperate need. In such a hapless situation found herself a homeless woman in Nepal, but fortunately two stray dogs stayed by her side and protected her until help arrived.


When he spotted two dogs that were lying next to a elderly woman that was looking asleep on a muddy river bank, Ake Srisuwan had no idea what happened, so he alerted the authorities, but not before taking a couple of pictures of the scene, to show just how caring the dogs were.

Turns out it was a blind homeless woman, who reportedly passed in the mud. According to a local news outlet, though the dogs were also stray, they and the woman did not knew each other before. The gentle animals just acted instinctively when spotted someone in such desperate need of help!


According to the Nepali news site, it did not take too long until authorities located the helpless woman, and they take them both her and her angel guardians to a medical facility where they received medical treatment.


Although it unknown what happened with the woman nor the dogs, after the incident, it is always amazing to see animals sharing so much kindness, even to strangers. Ake’s photos even went viral on social media with people lauding the dog’s selfless spirit.

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