Home Dogs Tennessee couple wakes up to find random puppy in their bed

Tennessee couple wakes up to find random puppy in their bed

It isn’t unusual to wake up cuddled by a huge furry ball when you’re a dog owner, but this couple in Polk County, Tennessee had quite a surprise when they realized the dog sleeping next to them, was actually none of their dogs.

Facebook/Julie Thornton Johnson

For Julie Johnson and her husband Jimmy – owners of three adorable dogs – is just a regular day at the office to wake up next to one, if not all, of their dogs. But a few days ago, they woke up to realize the massive sleepy dog from their bed wasn’t their own.

“My husband said, ‘Julie. Whose dog is this?’ I rolled over, and for the first 10 seconds, we were just staring at each other,” the woman explained to THE DODO. “I said, ‘That’s not our dog,’ She was just trying to snuggle.”

Facebook/Julie Thornton Johnson

Both great animal lovers, the Johnsons didn’t refused a big furry hug. However, they had to figure out how these friendly puppy sneaked inside, and most important whose dog she might be. So they shared the incredible story in a Facebook post.

“It is absolutely normal to wake up in our house with one of OUR dogs in the bed with us,” the woman wrote. “One small problem, THIS IS NOT OUR DOG, nor do we know how she got in our house. At first, we thought it was one of ours, but they rarely lay on the pillows! In pitch darkness, I just assumed it was. Wouldn’t we all? As daylight began to creep in through our curtains we realized we were snuggling with someone else’s dog. This is the weirdest post I have ever had to make. Is this your dog? Please share.”


But with Facebook the best place to share such adorable stories, it didn’t take too long until the post went viral, the it got noticed by the dog’s owner, too. The dog, named Nala belong to Cris and Felicia Hawkins who live in the same neighborhood with the Johnsons.

Facebook/Julie Thornton Johnson

“Our overly friendly pup, Nala, has hit an all time record for ignoring personal space and added yet another trick to her long list of Houdini acts,” Nala’s parents wrote on Facebook. “She slipped her collar yesterday while being walked, ran down the street to a neighbor’s house, somehow managed to get IN their house, and climbed into bed with them in the middle of the night.”

As it turned out, Nala ‘slipped her collar’ and run through the neighborhood. On the other hand, the Johnson family accidentally left their back door opened, so the friendly pup sneaked in and decided to take a nap on their bed!

More about this story in the video below!

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