Home Dogs Watch sobbing mum wading through river to reunite with lost sausage dog

Watch sobbing mum wading through river to reunite with lost sausage dog

A mother was tearfully reunited with her missing dachshund after a 60-mile, 4-day search. Alifiya Mohamedbhai had feared the dog, Violet, was stolen after she went missing on a walk in Reddish Vale Country Park, Manchester, UK.

The 33-year-old and a friend followed Violet’s collar tracker, but after the device lost connection, they searched for 4 days until the Apple AirTag reconnected and led them to the pet on an embankment. Footage shows the emotional reunion as the two women cried with relief. The woman’s Facebook post of the reunion received emotional reactions, with users saying it gave them goosebumps and made some cry.

Alifiya Mohamedbhai

“I just couldn’t stop crying. It was insane,” the 33-year-old woman told the media. “I’d completely lost faith in finding her. I thought someone had stolen her. The house has been empty and quiet and we’ve missed her annoying bark. She’s not even an exploring dog and she hates going on walks.”

Alifiya Mohamedbhai

Alifiya reports having blisters from the 62 miles she walked in four days searching for her cherished dachshund.

Alifiya Mohamedbhai

“I’m exhausted. Every single bone in my body is aching. I’ve got blisters on my feet,” she said. “We tried the app again [yesterday] and for the first time we got a location. When we got there the AirTag kept pinging and pointing towards the water. When I saw her…I didn’t even think of the rocks or how deep the river was. I just jumped in. I just couldn’t believe she was there and not harmed.”

Alifiya Mohamedbhai

Fortunately, the tiny dog was unharmed. The woman announced that she found her beloved dog via Facebook. “We found her,” the post reads. “I can’t believe it but my baby is home. What a crazy few days it has been. I can not thank everyone enough.”

Watch the tearful reunion here!

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