Home Dogs Heroic students save dog’s life after he fell into a canal

Heroic students save dog’s life after he fell into a canal

A daring rescue operation was carried out by two brave students who helped save a dog from a muddy canal, capturing the heroic moment on film.


Jack Spencer Furmston and Ben Camphor, who are both 20 years old, spotted dog owner Batu Akyol struggling with a lead over a wall as they were heading home from a coffee shop in Manchester. Upon closer inspection, the pair discovered that Akyol’s dog, Sumak, had fallen into the Ancoats Canal. With the help of five others, the students quickly sprang into action and attempted a rescue. In the video footage, a group of people can be seen lifting Camphor by his legs as he climbs the canal wall to reach the stranded dog.


The panicked dog clung to the wall of the canal while its owner held onto the lead just a few feet above. Camphor extended his arm to reach Sumak’s collar and successfully lifted the dog out of the canal.

As Camphor lifted Sumak, the dog struggled to find its footing and used its hind legs to scramble for grip. With the help of the group of people above, Camphor managed to get his arms under the dog’s front legs and the pair were pulled back up to safety. Camphor recalled that he initially mistook the owner’s lead in the river for a duck and acted quickly upon realizing it was actually a dog in need of rescue.


“Everyone was panicking,” Ben told MailOnline. “I couldn’t let that dog down and not help. I’m a dog owner myself, so there wasn’t a chance I was going to leave it on its own.”

Watch the dramatic rescue here:

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