For your dog to grow up quickly and properly, it requires us to have full knowledge and skills in caring. Taking care of a puppy is not simply adopting, feeding a lot, taking a bath to be healthy. So what should we do when we do not have much experience in this? In this article, Beggy Pet Blog will help you from A-Z on the experience for first-time dog owners.

Choose a dog breed and a reliable buying address

Choose a dog breed

The first criterion that is quite important in choosing a dog breed is beautiful, dog breeds ensure this criterion can be: Border Collie, Rough Collie, Mini Collie, this Collie dog line is very intelligent, easy to train and wrap the master.
If you like a beautiful, smart, easy-to-train dog, some dogs can meet that criteria, you can not ignore it: Border Collie, Rough Collie, Mini Collie, Collie dog line, etc.
Either the car breeds like Samoyed, Alaska, Husky appeared, impressive, quite naughty but gentle. In addition, small toy dog ​​breeds are like small and beautiful poodles and very cute.

Type of Dogs
Type of Dogs

Should choose a reliable dog shop

In addition to the criteria for the above dog lines, you have to find reliable and reputable dogs. When you go to the dog bought the dog you need to pay attention to how the current health is, how the appearance is like the information is sold. This is extremely important because it will decide if the dog is healthy or sick after you own it. Dog breeds must be ensured to ensure clear origins and backgrounds.

Experience of raising a dog when you first bring it home

Check your dog’s health

If you pick up puppies from dog farms or families with mother dogs, puppy health checks are extremely important, helping to check the health status of puppies, vaccination, and worms for them, in addition, veterinarians will advise you how to take care of the best and best puppies.
If the puppy buys from the Petshop, ask to provide a vaccination book, the puppy’s worm calendar. Note, so that puppies are healthiest, only choose to buy puppies for 2 months and older, have been vaccinated with 2 nases (nose 5 diseases and nose 7 diseases), and have been wormwide.

Check dog's health
Check your dog’s health

Prepare accommodation

Preparing for puppy’s space to sleep can be stainless steel barn, electrostatic iron barn, or just drive (cushion) but need to ensure in a cool position, enough light, without wet or sunshine live. In addition, be sure to avoid puppies in a high position, dangerous as balconies, stairs, windows.

Prepare dog a space
Prepare your dog a space

On the first nights away from mother, away from the old owner of the puppy can cry all night, instead of loudly, shouting or hitting puppies to make them quiet, sometimes cuddled, stroking gently to puppies hold afraid and get used to you.

Bathing the dog

When you bring your puppy to your home, you should not bathe. Because puppies are tired, weak after a long shipping time or sudden climate change. The bath will now be likely to have pneumonia and other infectious diseases.
If the dog is too dirty, foul, is forced to take a bath, use dry bathing powder for dogs. Be gentle, talk to them so they do not panic. Stop if they have a fearful expression, do not cooperate.
After 5-7 days, if you see dogs have been stable, adapt to the environment, you can bathe with warm water. Do not let puppies toothpick too much, 1-2 weeks once time enough.

Experience of raising dogs in eating

Feed your dog with enough nutrients and nutrients

Things to pay attention to avoid your dog getting digestive disorders when I have to adapt to the new diet: The diet must ensure enough nutrients and energy: protein, fat, starch, and natural vitamins. In particular, it is recommended to limit synthetic foods and milk, foods with a lot of grease and animal organs because of the risk of many easy toxic toxins is.

Give your dog a nutritious meal
Give your dog a nutritious meal

Do not let dogs eat in chocolate because there is a study that, when eating in chocolate, dogs will be at risk of death. After all, in the chocolate component of the blocking – stimulants directly impact the nervous, blood pressure and heart muscle quickly and suddenly.

Feed your dog scientifically

One day should be divided into 3-4 small meals; each meal should include drinking water to make the dog easier to digest. Note that regularly clean dog food and drinking tools to ensure food hygiene and safety for your dog.

In cases where dogs encounter health problems and have an unusual expression in living like quitting, sullenness, diarrhoea all day, vomiting, you need to stop feeding them and bringing them to the muscles the nearest dog and cat clinic is supported.
Note not for dogs eating aching food or excessive foods such as garbage water, people and other animals.

Provide toys to entertain the puppy
Provide toys to entertain the puppy

Puppies love to gnaw, grind their teeth, and bite shoes not only spoil things and eat and cause poisoning and gastrointestinal obstruction. You should keep your dog away from these things. Look for calcium gnawing bones dog-specific toys at petshops to prevent this problem. When you see the dog has unusual symptoms: vomiting, anorexia, sadness, diarrhoea, suspected illness, must stop feeding or drinking milk. It would help if you went to the vet facility to check.

Health care experience in dog breeding

For each stage of development, there will be different care regimens

  • Under two months old: feed 6 times/day, 3 to 5 hours apart.
  • From 2-4 months: feed 5 times/day, each time 4 hours apart.
  • From 4-6 months: feed 4 times/day.
  • From 6 to 10 months: feed 3 times/day.
  • From 10 months and up feed two times/day as for large dogs.

Maybe a week, feed the puppy a fuller meal than usual and eat an extra chicken egg. But it must be cooked and then gradually eaten until it can be eaten raw. Puppies after five months can supplement weekly with a bit of beef, natural pork but must be very fresh with a steady increase in intensity. Dog meals usually last no more than 5 minutes. It is enough if the dog eats it all and still has a slight appetite.
After a meal, the puppy should run freely and clean to digest food. After an evening walk, the dog can drink some milk or diluted sugar water. If the puppy has finished eating but has leftover food, throw it away, and the next meal must be reduced in quantity accordingly.

Notes in medical care for puppies

For dogs under 6 months old: should use deworming medicine for dogs as soon as they are 1 month old. After that, bleach it once a month until it is 6 months old.
For dogs over 6 months old: should be dewormed every 3-4 months.
According to the experience of dog owners, you need to vaccinate your dog against diseases. If you want to raise them for a long time, the following diseases are very dangerous for their lives. Some dangerous diseases such as Carre (Carre Distemper), Pavovirus (Canine Pavovirus), Hepatitis (Adenovirus type 1), respiratory disease (Adenovirus type 2), Parainfluenza (Parainfluenza), Leptospirs. Usually, these diseases are usually injected together in a single vaccine. Particularly, rabies vaccination for dogs needs to be repeated every year.

Experience in hygiene care for dogs

Trim your dog’s hair regularly

The fur is a vital appearance that every dog ​​needs to take care of. It would help to brush them regularly to remove loose hairs, dirt, and parasites in their fur.

Trim your dog's hair
Trim your dog’s hair

First, you prepare a basin of warm water, wet the dog’s entire coat, apply some dog shampoo, and bathe them clean. After that, use a cotton towel to dry the dog’s whole body and slowly untangle the coat, and at the same time carefully groom the dog’s skin.

Clean your dog’s ears regularly

Clean dog's ears
Clean your dog’s ears

First, you moisten the cotton swab slowly clean the outside and around the ears before digging deep in to avoid affecting their eardrums. You should pay attention, if your dog shows signs of scratching his ears often, there may be parasites attached to their ears, so you should take your dog to the veterinarian for examination and treatment.

Brush your dog’s teeth

Brush dog's teeth
Brush dog’s teeth

Oral hygiene also helps dogs have healthy, radiant teeth. You should choose a brush with a soft capsule to limit damage to the oral mucosa. Very simply, you open the dog’s mouth slowly, lift the edges of their mouth and gently brush all over the dog’s teeth in turn.

Dog training experience

Dog training experience
Dog training experience

Dog training is a process that requires a lot of work and perseverance. You can quickly train your dog independently with simple exercises at home. You prepare a small portion of your dog’s favourite food, which can be considered a reward for the dog when he completes the command.

Train your dog to sit

You shout the command “Sit down” and combine your hands on his butt so he can understand himself and sit down. Remember to pay attention to the dog’s posture, adjust it properly and hold it for 10-15 seconds.

Train your dog to stand up

You shout out the command “Stand up” every time the dog is lying down, combined with hugging their arms around their waists to lift them and turn them into a standing position. Maintaining this practice many times a day will form a reflex every time they hear a command.

Train your dog to lie down

Just like sitting down and standing up, we also shout the command “Lie down” and combine gently pressing the dog’s bottom and shoulders down, gradually your dog will understand after many times of practice.

Train your dog to move towards you

You can use your favourite food to lure them to you or give your dog a lovely collar; you shout “Come over” while pulling the rope closer to you.

Taboos when keeping dogs

In the process of receiving dogs and raising them, you need to note the following taboos:

Foods that are not good for dogs

  • Food that is stale cold is a source of food taken from leftovers of unknown origin.
  • Limit feeding dogs offal such as chicken liver, pork liver, raw chicken eggs, pork fat.
  • Avoid sweets and stimulant foods like chocolate.

Notes in life and health

After bringing the dog home, you must ensure their health and take them vaccinated against dangerous diseases such as Care disease and Parvo disease. In particular, you should regularly take your dog for a walk to increase exercise to help develop and absorb nutrients more effectively.

Above is everything from A-Z of dog breeding experience for those raising a dog for the first time. Hopefully, you will equip yourself with enough knowledge to have a satisfactory and healthy dog ​​for yourself.

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