Home Dogs 5 Reasons Dogs Don’t Like Some People

5 Reasons Dogs Don’t Like Some People

A dog with a general fear of all strangers — rather than a specific fear of men or children, for example — may have a genetic predisposition to fear. Lack of proper socialization as a puppy is another reason some dogs are afraid of strangers. … Dogs with a history of abuse may also be afraid of strangers. That’s why some Reasons Dogs Don’t Like People.
Dogs recognize and identify people approaching them
Dogs recognize and identify people approaching them
Dogs were found to favor human scents over other scents. Usually, when a dog sniffs a person they’re uncomfortable with, it’s because of the hormones that the person secretes. For dogs, those hormones can signal a threat or an alarm for the dog to be alert to.
Here we will mention 5 Reasons Dogs Don’t Like Some People:

The tone of the Voice

Dogs A study has shown that can tell the difference between speech and nonsense and can even distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar language.
They found that different auditory regions of the dog’s brain responded when the animal identified a voice versus whether or not a familiar language was spoken.
Dogs recognize and listen to their surroundings
Dogs recognize and listen to their surroundings
In the study, the reward centers in the brains of dogs were activated when they used high-pitched, happy voices. Dogs are happy to greet happy-sounding people, but they react negatively or ignore those who speak in low or angry voices.

Body language

MacLean’s team has begun a genome-wide association study that will scan the puppy’s DNA for genetic variants linked to social skills. According to him, what he found in dogs would hold true for complex behaviors in other animals, including humans.

Dogs see and recognize body language
Dogs see and recognize body language
Eye contact, for example, means different things to different species. Between people, someone who doesn’t make direct eye contact is seen as treacherous, dishonest, or suspicious. However, in the world of dogs, direct eye contact is rude and even threatening. Turning “gentle eyes” or looking slightly aside is a sign of respect or respect. Bending over to the dog, making arm-wide gestures, erratic movements, and forcing the dog to hug are all bad body movements that dogs don’t appreciate.

How someone interacts with others

A comparative psychologist at Kyoto University conducted a study to determine whether certain animals are capable of making social judgments in the same way that humans do. He wanted to know if dogs could tell when a person was rude to another person and if that knowledge influenced their opinion of that person.
He did a test in which a dog watched their owner struggle to open a container. The owner then asked another person for help. Sometimes the person helps, and sometimes they refuse. After each interaction, the dog was given the choice to accept attention from the other person or ignore them. When that person, in turn, refuses to help the dog’s owner, the dog is more likely to show signs of disliking the rude person. Research shows that if someone in your life is consistently rude to you, your dog will decide for himself that he doesn’t like them. Dogs are Team Owners all the way!


Compared to humans, dogs’ ability to sense odors is much better. There are many data that can prove this. However, the comparison results are still inconsistent and there are huge differences. There are data that show that a dog’s sense of smell is 10 to 100, 1,000 or even 1,000,000 times more sensitive than a human’s. Many scientists believe that dogs can smell some, or even most, of odors at a concentration of one part per trillion in the air. While humans can only detect the same smell in parts per million. It’s like if you just left a drop of smell in the pool. Dogs can pick up on very small concentrations of certain scents.
Have you noticed that your dog often urinates in crowded places around the house? It was a way of announcing that this was its territory, a form of “claim of sovereignty” by the dog. When you smell your dog’s urine, other dogs will know different information. A dog’s urine marking is also a warning to other dogs not to violate that territory.

Past trauma

Rescue dogs with a history of abuse and neglect don’t forget their traumatic experiences. Even as they move on and are adopted by loving families, the suffering they go through will often haunt them. In some cases, they develop fear and distrust of people who remind them of their difficult past.
If a rescue often shrinks back to adult men but turns to women for comfort, chances are they have been abused at the hands of a man. Gender, coat color, height, race, general appearance — dogs may react negatively to anyone who reminds them of past pain.
Here are a few reasons dogs don’t like people. Thank you to everyone who watched and consulted!
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