Home Dogs Top 7 Foods Dogs Should Absolutely Abstain

Top 7 Foods Dogs Should Absolutely Abstain

Because a dog’s digestive system is very different from that of a human, there are many foods that are a favorite dish for lotus but are taboo for dogs. If you are not careful, your dog can be poisoned by unexpected foods. Below Begy will list some foods dogs should abstain from.


Most people know that chocolate is bad for dogs. What makes chocolate such a taboo for dogs is theobromine – a mild central nervous system stimulant. This substance is found in all types of chocolate, including white chocolate. Consuming chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhea, in addition to heart problems, tremors, seizures, and even death.
Feeding your dog chocolate means you are harming your own pet
Feeding your dog chocolate means you are harming your own pet

Coffee, tea and foods containing caffeine

If you want your dog to be alert and happy, give them toys. Don’t confuse dogs with humans, but give them coffee, tea or any other caffeine-containing food. Caffeine is a poison that can kill dogs.


Grapes, whether fresh or raisins, can cause kidney failure in dogs. In just a very small amount, grapes can make a healthy dog ​​sluggish after just one day. Dogs will vomit many times, lose their appetite and become lethargic.

Types of bones

The thought that dogs gnaw bones is completely normal, but there are bones that lotus absolutely must not give to your puppy. For example, beef bones, buffalo bones because they are too hard, can break a dog’s teeth, or fish bones because they are easy to choke. Sen may consider feeding the dog small and soft bones like chicken bones. However, it is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of the dog choking on a bone or having the sharp tip of the bone injure its stomach.

Raw eggs, raw meat and raw fish

Some people prefer to feed their dogs a “raw” diet that includes foods like eggs, meat, and unprocessed fish. But that is not a good idea because raw foods are very easy to make dogs poison. Parasites, Salmonella or E.coli bacteria that exist in uncooked food will cause vomiting, diarrhea, etc. and adversely affect the dog’s health.

Onions and garlic

Store onions, whether fresh, powdered, dried or cooked, away from your dog. Onions and garlic can kill red blood cells causing anemia in dogs. If your dog eats a small amount, it’s okay, but if you eat a lot, it will definitely cause poisoning, fatigue, vomiting and difficulty breathing.

Human milk and dairy products

Many dog ​​owners are still wondering whether to give their dogs human milk. However, science has proven that milk for humans, including fresh milk, powdered milk, condensed milk, baby milk… contains a large amount of lactose that the dog’s body cannot absorb, causing them to encounter problems. digestive problems such as bloating, vomiting and diarrhea. Milk can also cause allergies in your dog and lead to itchiness all over the body.
A reasonable milk diet will help your dog grow better
A reasonable milk diet will help your dog grow better
Taking care of a healthy and active dog is not easy. Make sure that any Foods Dogs Should Abstain is safe for your dog’s health.
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