Home Dogs Top 5 Common Diseases in Dogs

Top 5 Common Diseases in Dogs

When you raise a dog, it’s like raising a child. You need to learn carefully about common diseases in dogs. Thereby, you will know how to prevent these diseases and help your dog have a healthy life. Let’s find out with Begy Pet Blog!

Common diseases in dogs

The dog is also a living organism. So they may get sick during their upbringing. There are thousands of different types of dog diseases in the world. Each condition has its degree of danger. Here are five diseases common in dogs and have a high risk.

Parvo Disease

This is one of the most dangerous diseases in dogs. It is the obsession of many dog ​​owners.

Parvo disease in dogs is also known as infectious inflammatory bowel disease. This disease is caused by Canine Parvovirus (CPV) and is an acute contagious disease. Symptoms of the disease are hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.

The disease most often appears in puppies from 1-6 months. The condition can cause a very high death rate of 90-100%. Dogs over six months old usually have a natural resistance to the disease.

To date, there is no specific treatment for the disease. The only remedy is to increase the dog’s resistance with antibiotics, tonics, etc. Thereby the dog will create antibodies to eliminate pathogens.

Because Parvo disease in dogs is hazardous and there is no cure, prevention is essential. The most effective way to prevent infection is to vaccinate your dog. These vaccines are relatively inexpensive and readily available at veterinary hospitals.

Care Disease

If we have mentioned Parvo disease, it is impossible not to note dogs’ care disease. This is the cause of many dog ​​deaths each year.

Care disease in dogs, also known as typhus, is an acute infectious disease of carnivores. The disease spreads powerfully with particular manifestations of gastritis, enteritis, respiratory tract mucosa, pneumonia, etc.

The disease usually appears on imported dog breeds between 2-12 months. Especially puppies about four months old. Dogs over 1-year-old are still at risk, but it will be less.

Like Parvo disease, Care disease in dogs currently has no specific treatment. To treat the condition, it is necessary to replenish water and electrolytes lost due to diarrhea promptly. Strengthen the dog’s resistance and prevent secondary infections.

Dogs’ care disease is dangerous, so absolutely do not self-treat your dog at home without a veterinarian’s prescription. The most effective way to prevent Care disease in dogs is vaccination. There are many different types of preventive vaccines to suit the budget of pet owners.


If talking about classic diseases in dogs, it is impossible not to mention rabies. In the 80s and 90s in Vietnam, dogs were infected with rabies.

Top 5 Common Diseases in Dogs
Rabies in dogs is dangerous

This is a dangerous infectious disease in cats and dogs caused by the rabies virus. The condition can be spread from animals to humans. It only takes one bite to break the skin, and the disease can be extended.

Rabies has manifestations such as madness paralysis. Once infected, there is almost no cure. The most effective way to prevent rabies today is vaccination. In recent years, rabies has decreased markedly due to the compulsory vaccination policy.


This disease is not as deadly as Parvo’s disease or Care’s disease. But once infected, the mortality rate is not low.

Top 5 Common Diseases in Dogs
Leptospirosis in Dogs

Lepto is a common infectious disease between humans and livestock. The condition has persistent flu-like fever, liver and kidney damage, and even encephalitis.

Lepto disease does not exclude any age. Dogs can be infected at any age. However, the condition is more common in male dogs.

With the dangerous nature of the disease, if you see that your dog has any symptoms, you need to take your dog to the nearest veterinary facility for treatment. Do not self-treat at home. And need to learn, choose reputable veterinary facilities for treatment.

Hepatitis in dogs

The disease is severe because it can kill a dog after only a few hours.

The disease can occur in all breeds of dogs that have not been vaccinated with CVA-1—especially dogs under one year old. And the condition is not contagious to humans.

When infected, dogs often have symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting blood, abdominal pain due to liver swelling, etc.

To prevent hepatitis, the only way is to vaccinate your dog against the disease entirely. Hepatitis in dogs also has no specific treatment. If you find your dog showing any of these signs, you need to take your dog to a veterinarian immediately for treatment. Leaving it for a long time will be very dangerous because the disease can quickly cause death.

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