Home Dogs Top 4 Common Digestive Diseases in Dogs

Top 4 Common Digestive Diseases in Dogs

Dogs often have digestive problems. If the disease is not too severe, the lotus can treat its pet by changing its diet or using alternative treatments. But if it is more severe, the dog is likely to need surgery.

Diseases related to the esophagus

Dogs can have several fairly rare abnormalities of the esophagus including esophageal dilation, idiopathic esophagitis, and esophageal stricture.
Esophagitis is usually caused by acid reflux or by prolonged vomiting. Esophagitis can be treated with both Western and Eastern medicine. Conventional medicines are used to treat severe cases such as antibiotics, steroids, and other drugs to limit vomiting in dogs. For traditional medicine, herbs and acupuncture methods can be used to soothe tissues, and strengthen the resistance of the dog’s immune system.
Diseases related to the esophagus of dogs
Diseases related to the esophagus of dogs
Foreign bodies such as bones, needles, hooks, pieces of wood, … are relatively common occurrences in the esophagus of animals – especially animals with the habit of chewing. If you suspect that your pet has accidentally swallowed these objects, you need to take your dog to an X-ray to determine the exact location of the foreign body in the esophagus.
Picking up foreign bodies can cause salivation, vomiting, and loss of appetite. So take your dog to the veterinary center as soon as possible so that the doctor can perform an endoscopy and remove the foreign body in the esophagus. If the situation is more serious, the dog may need surgery. Whatever method you use to remove the foreign body, consider using herbs to help fight inflammation/swelling of the esophagus.

An intestinal – common disease in pets

Intestinal diseases in dogs are the most common, especially gastritis and enteritis. Intestinal diseases are a variety of diseases caused by very familiar “culprits” such as bacteria, germs, parasites, viruses, fungi, open wounds.
Almost all of these symptoms can be grouped under the general term “physiological disorders”. This term is quite appropriate for most digestive system problems found in dogs, especially intestinal diseases.
An intestinal - common disease in pets
An intestinal – common disease in pets
Farmers also need to pay attention and find out that the cause of the disease is caused by E.Coli, Samonella, Leptospira bacteria, etc., or viruses such as Parvovirus, Coronavirus, infectious hepatitis virus, etc. Note that very serious infections can become serious, especially in puppies, when their bodies are not fully developed. Symptoms can vary by disease and severity, but the most common include diarrhea and may be accompanied by vomiting.
The large intestine can also be infected by microorganisms, parasites, and mechanical disorders. However, diseases related to the large intestine are not as common as the stomach and small intestine. The most common symptom that can easily be noticed is diarrhea. Conventional Western medicine uses a variety of medications to control diarrhea, rehydrate the body, and focus on getting the gut microbiome back to normal.

Diseases related to the anus

The anal sac is two organs located below the anus. Anal pouch disease is the most common anal-related disease in pets. Small dog breeds tend to get sick more often than large or giant dogs.
Symptoms of the disease are manifested through strange behaviors of dogs such as frequent rubbing of the anus on the floor, difficulty in defecating, self-licking and biting around the anus, discharge from the anal glands.
The disease can cause the two anal sacs to become infected, leading to an abscess that is red and swollen and has a reddish-brown discharge. More seriously, the anal sac can rupture and drain.
Usually, problems related to anal sacs are treated with antibiotics and glucocorticoids or surgery if the disease is more severe. However, doctors say that proper exercise combined with a healthy diet will almost eliminate most anal sac problems.

Salivary gland disease

Salivary gland diseases are less common. But can be affected by inflammation as a result of diseases caused by other viruses.
Injuries around the roof of the mouth can cause swelling of the salivary glands. This usually clears up on its thanks to the action of the body’s immune system. In some cases, after a dog has had an injury or an open wound, one of the glands filled with mucus and saliva will cause severe swelling.  The dog will need to be surgically drained. remove this bump.
Above is an article about 4 common digestive diseases in dogs. Follow us to update the latest news about cats and dogs.
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