Home Dogs Common Respiratory Diseases in Dogs

Common Respiratory Diseases in Dogs

Learn about the common respiratory diseases in dogs and guide how to prevent diseases for dogs.
In the process of taking care of and raising pets, the children inevitably get sick. But learning in advance about common dog diseases will help you have the right knowledge and methods to prevent the disease. Let’s learn about common respiratory diseases in dogs through the following article by Begy.
Common Respiratory Diseases in Dogs
Common Respiratory Diseases in Dogs

Causes of respiratory diseases in dogs

Respiratory diseases in dogs are a complex syndrome that can affect the eyes, nose, sinuses, throat, and mouth. The cause of the disease can be due to many reasons such as:
  • Inherited from parents: Many pets suffer from this disease due to genetic factors. Before adopting a dog, you should learn carefully about their health and family to prevent pets from getting sick.
  • Infection from other animals: Dogs can get respiratory disease when they come into contact with infected animals through daily activities such as playing and grooming each other.
  • Infection through toys and food: Pet utensils, if shared with infected animals, are also at risk of infection.
  • Not properly cared for: Changing weather, not strengthening the immune system … can make dogs easily suffer from respiratory diseases.
There are many causes of respiratory diseases in dogs
There are many causes of respiratory diseases in dogs

Common respiratory diseases in dogs


Pneumonia, also known as respiratory inflammation, is a lung infection caused by a virus, fungus, or by inhalation of substances that are dangerous to the lungs. The disease affects part or all of the dog’s lungs. The bacteria that enter the pet’s body through the respiratory tract will make the dog’s lungs work weaker, the gas exchange process is also more limited. Ultimately, the animal will suffer from various inflammatory and immune responses in the lungs. Symptoms of this disease are usually fever, shortness of breath, cough, rapid pulse, frequent yellow or green nasal discharge, wheezing, etc. Fortunately, most cases of pets get pneumonia. are all curable.


Bronchitis is also a common dog respiratory disease. The clinical symptom of this disease is that pets cough many times a day, cough for a long time, in some severe cases can cough violently. The most accurate way to check is to take the animal to a medical facility for an X-ray. Bronchitis in dogs is caused by many factors. It Maybe mentioned as:
  • A living environment with too much smoke, dust, toxic chemicals.
  • Infection with certain types of respiratory bacteria such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, Klebsiella pneumonia….
  • Sequelae from some diseases such as care, enteritis, parasitic diseases,…
  • The immune system is weakened.
Bronchitis has 2 types, acute and chronic, chronic disease is common in old dogs. Now, this disease can also be cured in pets.

Rhinitis and Sinusitis

Rhinitis and sinusitis are often confused with common colds in dogs because they have many similar symptoms such as: sneezing a lot, deformed face, pet loss of appetite, stuffy nose… Causes The disease can be caused by parasites, fungal diseases, root abscesses, abnormal tissue growth, foreign objects in the nose… Although this is not a serious disease, it is quite complicated, affecting a lot of dogs’ lives.

Prevention of respiratory diseases in dogs

Respiratory diseases are very common in dogs, so right from the moment you adopt a pet, you need to take effective preventive measures. You can refer to some ways to prevent Pety’s respiratory disease as follows:
  • Fully vaccinated dogs and: Many diseases can be vaccinated with vaccines. Fully vaccinated dogs have a lower risk of infection.
  • For dogs for periodic health check-ups: Respiratory diseases have many symptoms similar to common illnesses in dogs, so many owners will not notice. If you regularly take your pet for regular check-ups, you will quickly detect the disease, your pet will also be treated early and recover quickly.
  • Pay attention to keeping warm for dogs: Weather changes can be the main cause of some dogs getting respiratory illnesses. Make sure your pet is always warm in winter and cool in summer to prevent illness.
  • Keep the space clean: The place where dogs live must always be clean, eat and drink enough. You can design more exercises to strengthen them.
Keep your dog's body warm to prevent respiratory diseases
Keep your dog’s body warm to prevent respiratory diseases

Above is some information about common respiratory diseases in the dog. Hope the article will help you in the process of taking care of dogs. At Begy, there are many other pet blogs for your reference.

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