Home Dogs Rescued wild boar thinks it is one of the family dogs, following them everywhere

Rescued wild boar thinks it is one of the family dogs, following them everywhere

This is about Yezhu, one little sweet pig. Sometime earlier in the day, they left her in front of Dora Wei’s house. She had just come into this world, she had a couple of hours of life behind her, and she was already separated from her mom.

Being in Sri Lanka, Dora met many wild animals in her surroundings, but when she saw this little pig in front of her door she couldn’t believe her eyes. Together with her boyfriend, Dora decided to keep the pig. They made her a place to sleep and worked around her with the help of warm water.

Dora, of course, didn’t know much about caring for animals like this. She was convinced she had to work hard on the cub if she wanted to survive. She used the internet and other resources to learn as much as possible about caring for wildlife.

She soon learned the diets that should be applied to boarlets. The first four weeks the boarlet should be fed every hour. Then it was all up to Dora and her boyfriend. This beautiful couple slept in shifts in the living room so they could feed this little animal at any time if they cried or woke up. Yezhu, thanks to the two of them, continued to live and be healthy.

As they say, it was like taking care of a child for them.

What is most interesting of all is the new friendship created between the pig and the four family dogs. They built an amazing relationship, especially one dog, a Labrador, and a pig. She kept following him and lying with him. It was no stranger to her to climb up and sit on it. Boarlet just couldn’t help herself, she loved cuddling with her new family.

Không nghi ngờ gì nữa, Yezhu rất thân thiện và luôn lắng nghe những gì cô ấy nói. Cô ấy rất tuyệt với mọi người trong gia đình và ngay cả với những con chó rất khác với cô ấy. Cô tin rằng cô cũng giống như họ. Dù đã có ngôi nhà đặc biệt ở sân sau, nhưng cô vẫn thích ở trong nhà và đi chơi với các thành viên trong gia đình.

Con vật nhỏ dễ thương này không thể nhìn bằng một mắt. Nó chỉ có một ý nghĩa duy nhất, đó là cô ấy sẽ không hòa nhập được với môi trường hoang dã ngay cả khi cô ấy lớn lên. Bằng cách chơi đùa của số phận, cô ấy đã kết thúc với một gia đình yêu thương cô ấy và quan tâm đến cô ấy.

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