Home Dogs Woman gives her dog her jacket to keep him warm while he waits outside

Woman gives her dog her jacket to keep him warm while he waits outside

As temperatures start to drop it’s important to keep our pets safe from the icy weather. Some people don’t realize that dogs are susceptible to the cold just like we are.

But some kindhearted people go above and beyond to keep animals safe from extreme weather. One dog owner’s adorable way of caring for her dog caught the attention of a bystander, who shared the heartwarming photos on Facebook.

It was a cold, windy day in Cambridge, Massachusetts last month. A woman named Kristina Hollie was waiting at a bus stop with her coworker in Harvard Square.

While waiting she saw a woman walking her dog. The stranger tied the dog to a tree so she could run into the post office.

But the dog was visibly shaking from the freezing weather… so the owner did something very thoughtful: she gave the dog her jacket!

“She immediately took off her jacket and covered the dog as he sat,” Kristina told The Dodo. “Maybe she thought he would kick it off, so she bent down and zipped it up around him!”

Kristina didn’t let the kind act go unnoticed, and thanked the woman for looking after her dog: “She just replied, ‘Thank you! I don’t want him to be cold!’”

Kristina posted the photos to the Dogspotting Facebook group, where it received thousands of positive reactions.

Kristina says the dog was still outside waiting for his owner as she got on the bus, but that he seemed warm and content.

“I saw two or three other people walk past him and comment that he looked very cute and very warm,” she told The Dodo.

Thank you to this woman for looking out for her dog and protecting him from the cold!

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