Home Dogs Dog is overjoyed when owners install special window in fence so he can see the world

Dog is overjoyed when owners install special window in fence so he can see the world

Dogs don’t need money or a lot of possessions to be happy: sometimes it’s the littlest things that can fill them with joy. It’s always heartwarming when kind owners go out of their way to make their pets’ lives a little brighter — even if it’s as simple as putting a hole in a fence.

That was the case recently, after one sweet dog got a heartwarming surprise after his owners gave him a whole new view of the world.

Alex Mcleish is the owner of a curious little dog named Harry. According to a Twitter thread, she noticed one day that her dog had “grey paint in his beard”…

…and then discovered that her dog had been sticking his head through a newly-built fence, watching other dogs pass by:

Alex told The Dodo that a storm had recently knocked over their backyard fence, and her dad put up a new one.

But as the fence was under construction, the space between the pickets suddenly allowed Harry to see the world outside his backyard like he never could before.

Seeing how fascinated her dog was by the outside world, Alex says she “jokingly suggested” her dad install a window in the new fence so Harry could continue to look out.

To her amazement, he actually did it:  “I woke up on Sunday morning and my dad was making it for him!” she told The Dodo.

Photos posted by Alex show Harry enjoying his new view, staring at the yards outside the fence with a big smile on his face.

Alex says Harry watched her dad build the fence and seemed to know it was for him.

Building a custom window to make your dog happy is definitely going above-and-beyond, but it was clear it was worth the effort: Harry gets a lot of use out of his new viewing spot.

“He sits there for hours and will only come in when we call him,” Alex told The Dodo.

“It definitely makes us smile seeing him watching the world go by.”

What a sweet surprise for this grateful little dog. It’s clear that Harry loves his special viewing spot, getting to look at the world outside his backyard.

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