Home Dogs Stray Pit Bull can’t stop smiling after he was rescued from street

Stray Pit Bull can’t stop smiling after he was rescued from street

Look at that precious face…! A loving forever home is in his near future! ♥️♥️♥️

Treat them right and they’ll be your best friend forever

Story: The st.ray Pittie was out wandering the streets of Brooklyn one day when he bumped into a human and his dog. The human was Jon, his dog was Demo, and the three of them hit it off instantly. Jon decided to take Brinks in while he tried to find the [lo.st] dog’s owner, but after a month of checking [mis.sing] dog reports and posting flyers without luck, he realized that Brinks was with him to stay.

Thank you for rescuing this sweet pit bull with the big smile!!

What a beautiful dog with a nice smile.

Absolutely adorable beautiful boy

Beautiful smile  Hope you took off that choker chain collar! Then he’ll know he’s loved.

These are the sweetest pooches ever…!

God Bless him!!!!!

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