Home Dogs Minuscule Puppy Escapes Shelter Kennel & Tries To Make Friends With Large Dog

Minuscule Puppy Escapes Shelter Kennel & Tries To Make Friends With Large Dog

The MuttShack Animal Rescue is a group dedicated toward helping the dogs belonging to low income communities in California. The rescue has shared an adorable video of a fascinating encounter between a tiny rescue puppy and the shelter’s 2 big-sized dogs – and it’s too cute to handle.

When the shelter rescued this tiny black-and-white-coated puppy, they instantly knew he was a live wire! The shelter workers placed the puppy in his own kennel and were sure that the little one would be safe there. But the spunky puppy escaped the kennel the minute he saw his chance, and headed straight toward the playground where the big dogs were playing!

In this video, we see the puppy bossily charging at the big dogs without any fear! He looks like a dwarf in front of these dogs, but he wags his microscopic tail and demands the big dogs to pay attention to him. Sasha, the shelter’s Great Dane, is particularly amused by the puppy’s antics and immediately takes him under her wings!

As Sasha assigns herself as the puppy’s guardian, the other big dogs also come to check the puppy out. Looks like this wee boy has already established his hold over the bigger dogs in the shelter! This cute story is just like the doggie version of the story of David and Goliath!

Click the video below to watch the minuscule puppy running around demanding the bigger dogs play with him!

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