Home Dogs This Rottweiler Had Only Six Weeks to Live. So She Gets a Bucket List with Helicopter Rides

This Rottweiler Had Only Six Weeks to Live. So She Gets a Bucket List with Helicopter Rides

Dog’s love is a completely pure love. They will never leave us. But there are some unkind dog owners who throw their dogs to the streets when they are old and their dogs’ health is collapsed. But not everyone is like that. Some pet owners love their dogs and all pets to the last breath. We are going to tell you today a story about such a beloved Rottweiler owner.

Symon Spencer is a very loving dog owner. His partner Theresa Clancy also loved their Rottweiler very much. Coco, their Rottweiler, like a baby to them. Coco also lived in that house like a their kid. They gave Coco everything he needed. They were given her favorite foods and favorite toys. But one day they realized that Coco’s health was not good. So Mr. Symon took his Rottweiler to the vet to check about her problem. Veterinarians tested the Coco very well. They done several scans for her. So the test reports said that it was time for say goodbye for Coco.

The hearts of Mr. Symon and Mrs. Theresa were completely broken. She had only six weeks to live. Veterinarians said they could not save their beloved Rottweiler because her health had completely collapsed. But they realized that anyone could not changed the fate. So they decided to make her last six weeks memorable. Before Coko closed her eyes forever, Coko made a bucket list of 30 fun things to do. It included a day at the beach, a helicopter ride, a meal in a restaurant, a drive-through Big Mac, and a sushi meal. She also visited Chocolate Labrador Sage, a popular dog who has raised more than £30,000 for a number of charities. So because of these loving owners she spent the last few days of her life very happily.

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