Home Dogs Little Dog Trapped In Tar Kept Barking Until Someone Heard Him

Little Dog Trapped In Tar Kept Barking Until Someone Heard Him

Workers in the Polish town of Suwaki heard something that worried them last week. A dog was barking incessantly from a lonely, forested place in the distance, as if asking for aid.

Fortunately, the employees chose to listen to the screams and followed the sound until they arrived at this location:

There was a dog in serious need of help, caught in a puddle of sticky tar and unable to move.

The employees called rescuer Joanna Godlewska from the Niczyje Animal Foundation after they were unable to free the bound puppy alone. She hurried to the location, unsure of what to anticipate.

“I was in tears when I finally arrived and saw a dog laying in the tar,” Godlewska told The Dodo.

The dog, maybe abandoned, was looking for warmth when he came upon the illegally deposited tar, not thinking that laying down on it would leave him permanently trapped.

Nobody knows how long the dog had been there, but he couldn’t have lasted much longer. His spirit was withering fast.

Godlewska was assisted by a crew from the local fire department in his escape. A ray of hope emerged in the confined pup’s eyes as they labored.

“He realized we were saving him,” Godlewska explained.

The most tar-gripped pieces of the unfortunate dog’s fur were gently taken away, and the remainder was softened with frying oil.

They were eventually able to lift him out at long last.

The dog was transported to a veterinarian’s office to be treated for weariness and to have as much of the residual tar wiped off his body as possible.

To say the least, it was a sloppy job.

Thankfully, the dog was discovered to be in overall excellent health, save from a few of small bruises to one side of his face.

Since then, the dog has gone through numerous additional washing treatments, each of which has strengthened his wonderful nature.

Godlewska stated, “He feels better and better.”

Farcik, the dog, was eventually saved from more than just the sticky death trap he’d been discovered in.

He was no longer alone and unloved.

Farcik has a long way to go in his recovery, but he’s surrounded by people who care about him and his future.

Godlewska plans to adopt him into a loving permanent family when the time comes.

Little dog trapped in pool of tar kept barking until someone heard him:

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