Home Dogs Shedding Tears When See Mama Dog Begging & Holding Back When Sees Owner Selling Her Puppies

Shedding Tears When See Mama Dog Begging & Holding Back When Sees Owner Selling Her Puppies

Seeing the puppy being sold by the owner, the mother dog tried to beg the owner to change his mind. The mother dog’s motherly love moves many people.

Seeing the puppy being sold by the owner, the mother dog tried to beg the owner to change his mind. The mother dog’s motherly love moves many people.Recently, a video of a dog pulling and begging the owner not to sell the puppy caused a stir in the online community. This clip with 1.9 million views and 151.4 thousand hearts on Tiktok has touched every viewer’s heart.

In the clip is a picture of a dog constantly holding the hand of the owner. It can be seen that at that time in the hands of the owner was a puppy. According to the person who uploaded the video, at that time, the owner intended to sell the puppy. Knowing this action of the owner, the mother dog continuously pulled and begged the owner.

The act of holding and begging the owner to stop selling the child is emotional

Many netizens’ comments expressed their emotions after watching this short video. Indeed, sometimes in our busy lives, we sometimes don’t spend much time with our families and parents. But parents will never blame their children, ready to extend their arms to protect their children unconditionally.

“I’m crying when seeing this video”

“Sometimes dogs even more emotional than people. Please don’t sell her puppies.”

“Don’t sell her puppies, please. It makes my heart hurtful”

“I love dogs more than people.”

Shedding Tears When See Mama Dog Begging & Holding Back When Sees Owner Selling Her Puppies:

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